Frequently asked questions.

Do you write software or just provide project consulting?

We provide both services. We love coding and are proficient with Python, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, and the rest of the Python packages commonly used for NLP (spaCy, gensim, etc) and data science (scikit-learn, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, seaborn, etc).

Can you help develop intellectual property?

Yes, we can sign an NDA.

Do you work on joint research contracts with larger companies?


What does the name of your company mean?

PostModern AI simply refers to the AI that follows what is currently considered ‘modern AI’, which of course is always a moving target. It refers to a more thorough synthesis of symbolic reasoning, knowledge-based applications, and deep learning capabilities — possibly with these systems acting as co-equal partners, and not necessarily with one dominating the other. Since true AGI (artificial general intelligence) will actually require yet a third kind of intelligence — common-sense reasoning, most likely derived from placing reasoning, perceiving robots in the world — this view of postmodern AI as the AI after today’s will remain valid for some time yet.

We are not drawing any connections to postmodern art, architecture, or complicated subjective or relative interpretations. We just mean “post” as “after” today’s AI, which has a view that deep learning is the proper approach and symbolic reasoning is an approach that is forgotten.